Runners are programs managed by Lutris that can run games. Each installation script is assigned a runner. Here are the runners currently supported by Lutris:
1. Linux
Supported platforms: 1. Linux 操作系统 (Deepin / UOS 等)
2. Wine (Windows)
Supported platforms: 2. 微软 Windows 操作系统
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-GE-Proton7-32 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-GE-Proton8-10 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-GE-Proton8-13 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-GE-Proton8-14 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-GE-Proton8-15 (aarch64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-GE-Proton8-15 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-gfn-6 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-osu-1 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-osu-2 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) wine-ge-8-22 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) wine-ge-8-26 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) wine-ge-lol-8-27 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) wine-proton-8-26 (aarch64)
2. Wine (Windows) wine-proton-8-26 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) wine-proton-8-26-x32x64 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) wine-3.0-exagear32 (i386)
2. Wine (Windows) tkg-4.0 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) tkg-4.1 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) tkg-mwo-4.1 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) tkg-protonified-4.1 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) tkg-4.2 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) tkg-4.3 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) tkg-4.4 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-lanoire-4.5 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) tkg-4.5 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) tkg-protonified-4.5 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) tkg-unity-4.5 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) tkg-4.6 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) tkg-osu-4.6 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) tkg-protonified-4.6 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-4.12.1 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-fshack-4.12.1 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-4.13 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-4.15 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-nofshack-4.15 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-4.16 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-nofshack-4.16 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-lol-4.17 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-mk11-4.18 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-nofshack-4.18 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-nofshack-4.19 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-4.20 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-jedi-4.20 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-lol-4.20 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-4.21 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-mtga-4.21 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-5.0 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-fshack-5.0 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-lol-5.0 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-monsterhunter-5.0 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-mtga-5.0 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) proton-5.0-10 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) wine-5.0-exagear64 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-stable-5.0.4-2 (i386)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-stable-5.0.4-x86only (i386)
2. Wine (Windows) deepin-wine-5.0.34-1 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-5.2 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-fshack-5.2 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-5.4 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-fshack-5.4 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-nfsworld-5.4 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-5.5-2 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-fshack-5.5-2 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-lol-5.5-2 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-5.6-5 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-fshack-5.6-5 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-5.7-5 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-fshack-5.7-5 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-stable-5.7-8 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-stable-5.7-9 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-stable-5.7.10 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-stable-5.7.11 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) proton-5.9-ge-6-st (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) proton-5.9-ge-8-st (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) proton-5.13-6 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-5.15 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-5.15 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-5.17 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-5.17 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-5.20 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-stable-5.21-1 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-stable-5.21-2 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) proton-5.21-ge-1 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) tkg-5.22-1 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-5.22 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-6.0-rc1 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-stable-6.0 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-6.0 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) deepin-wine- (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) deepin-wine- (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-stable-6.0.2-x86only (i386)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-6.1-3 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-6.1 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-6.2 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-6.3 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) proton-6.3-7 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-6.3 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-6.4 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-6.4 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-6.5 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-6.6 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-6.7 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-6.8 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-6.9 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-6.10-6 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-6.10-7 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-fshack-6.10-6 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-fshack-6.10-7 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) proton-6.12-ge-1 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-6.12 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-6.13-3 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-fshack-6.13-3 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-6.13 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-6.14-3 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-6.14-4 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-fshack-6.14-3 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-fshack-6.14-4 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-6.14 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-6.15 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-6.15 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-ge-lol-6.16-4 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-6.16 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-6.16 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) proton-tkg-6.17-r0 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-6.17 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-6.17 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-6.18 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-6.18 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) wine-wayland-6.19-1 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-6.19 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-6.19 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-6.20 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-6.20 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-6.21-3 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-6.21-5 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-6.21-6 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-fshack-6.21-3 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-fshack-6.21-5 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-fshack-6.21-6 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-6.21 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-6.21 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-6.22 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-6.22 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-ge-lol-7.0-1 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-ge-lol-7.0-2 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-ge-lol-7.0-5 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) proton-7.0-ge-14 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) proton-7.0-ge-16 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) wine-wayland-7.0-1 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-7.0 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-7.0-arm64 (aarch64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-7.0-x64only (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-7.0-x86only (i386)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-stable-7.0 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-stable-7.0-1-exagear32 (i386)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-stable-7.0-1-exagear64 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-stable-7.0-x64only (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-stable-7.0-x86only (i386)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-7.0 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-7.0-rc2-exagear32 (i386)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-7.0-x64only (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-7.0-x86only (i386)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-7.1 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-fshack-7.1 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-7.2 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-7.2-2 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-fshack-7.2 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-7.3 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-7.3 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-7.5 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-7.5-x64only (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-7.5-x86-arm64 (aarch64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-7.5-x86-arm64 (i386)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-7.5-x86only (i386)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-7.5 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-7.5-x64only (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-7.5-x86only (i386)
2. Wine (Windows) wine-wayland-7.7-1 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-7.7 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-7.7-x86-arm64 (aarch64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-7.7-x86-arm64 (i386)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-7.7-x86only (i386)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-7.7 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-7.7-x86only (i386)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-7.9 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-7.9-x64only (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-7.9-x86only (i386)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-7.9 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-7.9-x64only (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-7.9-x86only (i386)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-7.12-1 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-7.12-1-x64only (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-7.12-1-x86only (i386)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-7.12-1 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-7.12-1-x64only (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-7.12-1-x86only (i386)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-7.12-exagear64 (aarch64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-7.16 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-7.16-x64only (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-7.16-x86only (i386)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-7.16 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-7.16-x64only (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-7.16-x86only (i386)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-7.17 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-7.17 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) overwatch2-caffe-7.18 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-7.22 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-7.22-x64only (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-7.22-x86only (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-8.0 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-8.0-x64only (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-8.0-x86only (i386)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-stable-8.0.1 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-stable-8.0.1-x64only (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-stable-8.0.1-x86only (i386)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-8.5 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-8.5-x64only (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-8.5-x86only (i386)
2. Wine (Windows) lutris-ge-lol-8.7-1 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) wine-devel-8.12 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) wine-devel-8.12-x32x64 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) wine-devel-8.12-x64only (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) wine-devel-8.12-x86only (i386)
2. Wine (Windows) wine-devel-8.15 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) wine-devel-8.15-x86only (i386)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-stable-9.0-ubt20 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-stable-9.0-x64only-ubt20 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-stable-9.0-x86only-ubt20 (i386)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-9.3-ubt20 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-9.3-x64only-ubt20 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-devel-9.3-x86only-ubt20 (i386)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-9.3-ubt20 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-9.3-x64only-ubt20 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) winehq-staging-9.3-x86only-ubt20 (i386)
2. Wine (Windows) wine-devel-9.4-x32x64 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) wine-devel-9.12-x32x64 (aarch64)
2. Wine (Windows) wine-devel-9.12-x32x64 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) wine-staging-9.13 (aarch64)
2. Wine (Windows) wine-staging-9.13 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) wine-staging-9.13-x32x64 (aarch64)
2. Wine (Windows) wine-staging-9.13-x32x64 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) wine-staging-9.13-x86only (i386)
2. Wine (Windows) wine-bylaws-10.0-arm64ec (aarch64)
2. Wine (Windows) wine-stable-10.0-x32x64 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) wine-staging-10.1 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) wine-staging-10.1-x32x64 (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) wine-staging-10.1-x64only (x86_64)
2. Wine (Windows) wine-staging-10.1-x86only (i386)
3. Linux版Steam
Supported platforms: 1. Linux 操作系统 (Deepin / UOS 等)
4. Windows版Steam
Supported platforms: 2. 微软 Windows 操作系统
5. DOSBox 微软DOS模拟器
Supported platforms: 3. 微软 DOS 操作系统 (MS-DOS)
Versions: -
6. 网页游戏 / H5游戏
Supported platforms: 4. 浏览器
Versions: -
AGS (Adventure Game Studio)
Supported platforms: 1. Linux 操作系统 (Deepin / UOS 等)
Versions: -
Atari800 雅达利模拟器
Supported platforms: 雅达利 130XE 雅达利 400 雅达利 5200 雅达利 600XL 雅达利 800 雅达利 800XL
Versions: -
Citra 任天堂3DS模拟器
Supported platforms: 任天堂 3DS
Versions: -
DeSmuME 任天堂DS模拟器
Supported platforms: 任天堂 DS
Versions: -
DGen 世嘉Genesis模拟器
Supported platforms: 世嘉 Genesis
Versions: -
Dolphin 任天堂NGC/Wii模拟器
Supported platforms: 任天堂 NGC (GameCube) 任天堂 Wii
Dolphin 任天堂NGC/Wii模拟器 4.0-9267 (x86_64)
Dolphin 任天堂NGC/Wii模拟器 5.0-1053 (x86_64)
Dolphin 任天堂NGC/Wii模拟器 5.0-11105 (x86_64)
Dolphin 任天堂NGC/Wii模拟器 5.0-11824 (x86_64)
Dolphin 任天堂NGC/Wii模拟器 5.0-13 (x86_64)
Dolphin 任天堂NGC/Wii模拟器 5.0-1483 (x86_64)
Dolphin 任天堂NGC/Wii模拟器 5.0-3627 (x86_64)
Dolphin 任天堂NGC/Wii模拟器 5.0-9413 (x86_64)
Frotz 文字冒险游戏模拟器
Supported platforms: Z-Machine
Versions: -
FS-UAE Amiga模拟器
Supported platforms: Amiga
Versions: -
Hatari 雅达利ST模拟器
Supported platforms: 雅达利 ST
Versions: -
jzIntv Intellivision模拟器
Supported platforms: Intellivision
Versions: -
libretro 模拟器合集
Supported platforms: 1. Linux 操作系统 (Deepin / UOS 等)
libretro 模拟器合集 4do (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 81 (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 bk (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 bluemsx (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 bsnes (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 bsnes_hd_beta (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 cap32 (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 chailove (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 crocods (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 desmume (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 dinothawr (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 dolphin (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 dosbox (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 easyrpg (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 ecwolf (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 fbalpha (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 fceumm (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 flycast (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 fmsx (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 fuse (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 gambatte (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 gearboy (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 genesis_plus_gx (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 handy (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 hatari (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 hbmame (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 mame (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 mednafen_gba (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 mednafen_ngp (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 mednafen_pce_fast (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 mednafen_pcfx (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 mednafen_psx (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 mednafen_psx_hw (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 mednafen_saturn (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 mednafen_supergrafx (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 mednafen_wswan (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 melonds (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 mesen (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 mgba (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 mupen64plus (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 nekop2 (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 nestopia (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 np2kai (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 nxengine (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 o2em (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 pcsx_rearmed (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 picodrive (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 ppsspp (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 prosystem (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 px68k (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 race (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 redream (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 reicast (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 snes9x (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 stella (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 tic80 (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 vbam (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 vba_next (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 vecx (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 vice_x64 (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 vice_xplus4 (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 vice_xvic (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 virtualjaguar (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 yabause (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 retroarch-1.5.0 (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 retroarch-1.7.3 (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 retroarch-1.7.5 (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 retroarch-1.7.6 (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 retroarch- (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 retroarch-1.8.5 (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 retroarch-1.8.5-hansfont (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 vice_x128 (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 atari800 (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 fbalpha2012_cps1 (x86_64)
libretro 模拟器合集 fbalpha2012_cps2 (x86_64)
MAME 街机模拟器
Supported platforms: 街机
Versions: -
Mednafen 模拟器合集
Supported platforms: TurboGrafx-16 世嘉 Game Gear 世嘉 Genesis 世嘉 Master System 任天堂 FC / NES 任天堂 GBA (Game Boy Advance) 任天堂 GBC (Game Boy Color) 任天堂 GB (Game Boy) 任天堂 SNES
Versions: -
MESS 模拟器
Supported platforms: Amstrad CPC 464 Amstrad CPC 6128 Commodore 64 ZX Spectrum ZX Spectrum 128
Versions: -
Mupen64Plus 任天堂64模拟器
Supported platforms: 任天堂 64
Versions: -
O2EM 模拟器
Supported platforms: Magnavox Odyssey²
Versions: -
openMSX 模拟器
Supported platforms: MSX MSX2 MSX2+ MSX turboR
Osmose 世嘉Master System模拟器
Supported platforms: 世嘉 Master System
Versions: -
PCSX2 索尼PS2模拟器
Supported platforms: 索尼 PS2 (PlayStation 2)
Versions: -
PCSX-Reloaded 索尼PS1模拟器
Supported platforms: 索尼 PS1 (PlayStation 初代)
Versions: -
Supported platforms: 索尼 PSP (PlayStation Portable)
Versions: -
Reicast 世嘉Dreamcast模拟器
Supported platforms: 世嘉 Dreamcast
Versions: -
ResidualVM 模拟器
Supported platforms: 1. Linux 操作系统 (Deepin / UOS 等)
Versions: -
RPCS3 索尼PS3模拟器
Supported platforms: 索尼 PS3 (Sony PlayStation 3)
Versions: -
ScummVM 2D点击式冒险游戏模拟器
Supported platforms: 1. Linux 操作系统 (Deepin / UOS 等)
Versions: -
Snes9x 任天堂SNES模拟器
Supported platforms: 任天堂 SNES
Versions: -
Stella 雅达利2600模拟器
Supported platforms: 雅达利 2600
Versions: -
VICE Commodore模拟器
Supported platforms: Commodore 64
Versions: -
Virtual Jaguar 雅达利Jaguar模拟器
Supported platforms: 雅达利 Jaguar
Versions: -
Yuzu 任天堂Switch模拟器
Supported platforms: 任天堂 Switch
Versions: -
Supported platforms: 1. Linux 操作系统 (Deepin / UOS 等)
Versions: -
Supported platforms: 1. Linux 操作系统 (Deepin / UOS 等)