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  • 2. Wine (Windows) 1. Vortex 1.7.4 发布时间: 2 年,1月前



    1. 下载 https://file.winegame.net/games/vortex-mod-manager/Chinese%20Translation%20for%20Vortex%201.7.2-29-1-7-2-1672751062.zip
    2. 打开 Vortex,点击左侧的“Extensions”。
    3. 把下载下来的zip拖放到Vortex右下角“Drop File(s)”处。
    4. 点击右上角的“Restart now”按钮重启Vortex。
    5. Vortex重新打开后,点击左侧的“Settings”,在右侧的“Language”下拉框里选择“中文”。

    1. 打开“设置”>“模组”。
    2. 修改“模组存储目录”,在游戏安装目录的父目录创建一个Vortex文件夹并选择该文件夹。
    3. 点“应用”按钮,点完后应该就能部署了。


  • 2. Wine (Windows) 2. Windows version 发布时间: 2 年,1月前

    Plug and play installation, everything configured out of the box for games installed for Steam Play or Lutris Winesteam.For more information see https://github.com/rockerbacon/lutris-skyrimse-installers

    原样复制自 https://lutris.net/games/vortex-mod-manager/

    - The game cannot be launched from within the application;
    - If a new game is installed after Vortex, it'll be unable to manage mods for that game until the symlinks are rebuild;
    - Games installed outside of $HOME/.steam/steam, $HOME/.local/share/Steam or $HOME/.local/share/lutris/runners/winesteam require manual configuration of the scripts
    - Vortex must be installed in the same drive as the games

  • 2. Wine (Windows) 3. Wine version 发布时间: 2 年,1月前

    A Wine prefix installer for Vortex mod manager! Includes full Steam Library detection across any mount points. Steam Deck compatible!

    原样复制自 https://lutris.net/games/vortex-mod-manager/

    1. 下载 https://file.winegame.net/games/vortex-mod-manager/Chinese%20Translation%20for%20Vortex%201.7.2-29-1-7-2-1672751062.zip
    2. 打开 Vortex,点击左侧的“Extensions”。
    3. 把下载下来的zip拖放到Vortex右下角“Drop File(s)”处。
    4. 点击右上角的“Restart now”按钮重启Vortex。
    5. Vortex重新打开后,点击左侧的“Settings”,在右侧的“Language”下拉框里选择“中文”。

    --------- 来自 lutris.net 的说明 ----------
    Games installed in any detected steam library will be linked.
    Games not supported by any Vortex Extension will still be linked.
    Doesn't include support for Lutris' WINE Steam, only native.
    Includes a manual script which adds any games to the Vortex prefix WITHOUT REINSTALLING.

    This installer requires the following:
    Steam https://store.steampowered.com/about/
    bash https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/
    sed https://www.gnu.org/software/sed/
    grep https://www.gnu.org/software/grep/
    sqlite3 https://www.sqlite.org/
    xdg-utils https://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/xdg-utils/
    coreutils https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/
    findutils https://www.gnu.org/software/findutils/

NexusMods开发的Vortex Mod管理器